Taikoo Sugar Refinery [1883-1973] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Taikoo Sugar Refinery [1883-1973]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

The Swire website timeline gives the dates for completion and closure of the factory.

Photos that show this place


Anthony Philips writes:

My father William (Bill) Phillips worked at Tai Koo as a chemist in the early 1950's and we lived at No. 1 Braemar Terrace. I went to Quarry Bay School during those years.

Thanks Anthony, your photos give us a much better view of the Sugar refinery.

Regards, David

The HK Memory website has a good collection of material about the Taikoo Sugar Refinery:


Thanks to Guy for the link.