Me sailing out with my mother from Liverpool to Hong Kong on HMS Lancashire in 1948. <Read more ...>
'Driving' a Wiley's Jeep on Victoria Peak 1949. <Read more ...>
Invitation to HMT Empire Orwell's fancy dress party 1950 - en route to UK. <Read more ...>
Invitation to HMT Empire Orwell's Children's Party 1950 - en route to UK. <Read more ...>
With my parents and friends at Shek-O Bay in 1948. <Read more ...>
Children's Party menu HMT Empire Orwell 1950. <Read more ...>
Victoria Club Christmas Party invitation 1949. <Read more ...>
Christmas Party 1949. Three-year-old me is the boy, front right, in the white shorts & shoes - no doubt beautifully turned out by the amah. <Read more ...>
My brother Martin Roberts with amah's Ah Ling (?) and her niece. <Read more ...>
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