Located at the junction of a bridge on the catchwater and the path. <Read more ...>
Year completed is: AccurateCondition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visibleDate of last visit: Ref: ROB-01021Other:
Text on slab:
Coy HQ Road PB 109 to 107 LL 5 L 11 to 9 <Read more ...>
Year completed is: AccurateCondition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visibleDate of last visit: Ref: ROB-01045Other:
Coy HQShing MunL 100 ( R ) <Read more ...>
Year completed is: AccurateCondition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visibleDate of last visit: Ref: ROB-01061Other:
PB 302 - 217RP PB 222 <Read more ...>
Year completed is: Accurate Condition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visible Date of last visit: Ref: ROB-01063 Other:
BDE Coy HQ SP KH PB 207 - 222 to 305 L 43 to 61 63 to 75 GP TP Coy HQ <Read more ...>
Year completed is: AccurateCondition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visibleDate of last visit: Ref: ROB-01022Other:
L 11 to 9 PB 109 to 107 LL 5 4Coy HQ Road <Read more ...>
Year completed is: AccurateCondition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visibleDate of last visit: Ref: ROB-01046Other:
Golden Hill L 100 <Read more ...>
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