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Everything tagged "troopship"

Transport to Another World: HMS Tamar and the Sinews of Empire

The book places the story of HMS Tamar into the larger pictures of the expansion and decline of the British Empire and, in the post-war period, of the after effects of that empire, especially in the post-colonial era. It also places the Tamar in the context of a unique and little studied, 50-year experiment in which the Royal Navy designed and operated troopships as commissioned warships, and developed early systems of amphibious warfare that were not subsequently built upon.

Empire Fowey.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Like several other troopships, the Empire Fowey was originally a German passenger vessel, the Potsdam, engaged in voyages to the Far East..  She was taken over as part of the 1945 war reparations and ntil 1960 she acted as one of the many British troopships. On at least one occasion she was heavily criticised for the poor accommodtiona and food available to other ranks.  Commissioned officers appeared to do much better.

HMTS Empire Halladale Singapore to Hong Kong 1951

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

The Empire Halladale seems to have had a reputation for being one of the worst troop ships.

HMTS Empire Halladale Singapore to Hong Kong 1951 b

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

An interesting history of the Halladale.  She was broken up in 1956

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