Photos tagged "asiafavorites" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "asiafavorites"

1870: Hotz collection: Hong Kong, Central Praya, ca. 1870

1899: Holland-China Syndikaat: 1899 trade mark registration

1903: Holland-China Trading Company: 1903 trade mark registration

1918: Portrait Holland-China Trading Company staff, Hong Kong office, 1918

1918: Holland China Trading Company: Hong Kong office samples room, 1918

1918: Holland China Trading Company: Hong Kong compradores office, 1918

1930: Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong, 1930s

1947: Postcard Hong Kong: Views from the Peak, ca. 1947

1950: Holland-China Trading Company (HCHC), Hong Kong, 1950, retirement Klimanek

1950: Holland-China Trading Company: Hong Kong warehouse, North Point, 1950

1956: Holland-China Trading Company: portrait of porter and VW T1 delivery van, Hong Kong, ca. 1956
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