Everything tagged "Rail Travel" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Rail Travel"

Hong Kong-London-18 Days-via Siberia-Thomas Cook Ltd-HK Telegraph-11-05-1939

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There was some discussion on the possibility of rail travel between Hong Kong and the UK a while ago.

Even if you could not go all the way on a train at least Thomas Cook's could book you the journey

The South Manchuria railway's "Asia" Express Train

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A colour-tinted card showing the South Manchuria Railway’s streamlined Asia Express at Mukden (a.k.a. 奉天Fengtian) station. This train, running between Dairen and Hsinking (Changchun), was introduced on 1st November 1934. The train ran daily over the approx. 701 km  (435 miles) in 8½ hours averaging 51 m.p.h. inclusive of stops. The train included air-conditioned coaches, a 1st Class observation car, as well as the streamlined locomotive.

South Manchuria Railway - Avertisement - Overland Route -

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A 1936 advertisement in the December,1936 editionof "The Far Eastern Review" promoting the South Manchuria Railway’s rail link with Europe via the  “Asia” Express and the Trans-Siberian Railway. The journey time between Dairen and Berlin was 11 days. 

Chinese Eastern Railway Advertisement 1909

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This Chinese Eastern Railway advertisement dated November 1909, describes "The Short Way Home" to Europe from S.E. Asia on the Trans-Siberian Railway, assuring passengers of  "Luxory, Comfort and Speed " .

Peking-Mukden Railway - Timetable for Connections to Europe

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This timetable, extracted from a Peking-Mukden Railway "Handbook " published in 1911, shows railway connecting times for  travel between Peking and London in 12 1/2 days. 

Overland Rail Route to Europe - Map-Showing Options

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Map illustrating the various options of travelling by rail from Hong Kong  and China to Europe in the early 20th Century, following the completion of the Trans-Siberian and Chinese Eastern railways  in 1903.

This map is based upon a Thoams Cook & Son's "Peking and the Overland route" published in1917. 

Russian locomotive heading the Trans-Siberian Express

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Russian 4-6-0 locomotive no. Г3656 pictured at Harbin station heading up the Trans-Siberian train. This locomotive was built by Kharkov in 1901-1902 and was originally no. Г656 of the Chinese Eastern Railway. in 1935 it was renumbered and transferred to Manchoukuo National Railways to work in the Northern Railway.

Observation-Coach- Chinese Eastern Railway

An Obsevation Carriage operated by Internationale Wagons-Lits Company on the Chinese Eastern Railway and Trans-Siberian Railway .

Chinese Eastern Railway Carriage

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Passengers enroute from China to Europe by the Chinese Eastern Railway & rans-Siberian Railway standing on the platform at Changchun.  The man (just visible behind the Cossack) and seen with his wife, was a British railway engineer working for the Peking-Mukden Railway.


Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Passengers enroute from China to Europe by the Chinese Eastern Railway & Trans-Siberian Railway standing at Changchun.  The Eurpean man  was a British railway engineer working for the Peking-Mukden Railway.


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