Everything tagged "Hong Kong Clocks" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Hong Kong Clocks"

Gloucester Building - Prominent in Central Hong Kong -1932

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Photograph of the Hong Kong central business district from the hillside , showing the then very prominent Gloucester Building, shortly after its completion in 1932. The tall clock tower dominated the scene, with its large four-faced 10 ft-diameter  illiminated clock dials visiible from virtually the whole of Mid-Levels.  

Gloucester Building Clock Tower - 1932

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Close-up photo of the the tall and prominent clock tower of Gloucester Building in 1932. The tower clock had four-faces with 10ft diameter illluminated dials, visible form far away. The Telechron sysyem employed to drive the hands ensured that all four dials were  electrically synchronzied and constroled from  a master clock located in a control room. A description of the mechanism may be read on this Gwulo string HERE..    

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