Everything tagged "Stanley internment camp (2109)" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Stanley internment camp (2109)"

Grace Smith's grave in Hong Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

My wife Anne kneeling beside my grandmother's grave, October 1996.

The inscription  “Thine eyes shall see...“  is particularly poignant as my grandmother was blind.

Explore the diary kept by Grace Smith during her time in Stanley Internment Camp.

Diary - pages 19-20.JPG

Diary - opening pages.JPG

Diary - pages 3-4.JPG

Diary - pages 5-6.JPG

Diary - pages 7-8.JPG

Diary - pages 9-10.JPG

Diary - pages 11-12.JPG

Diary - pages 13-14.JPG

Diary - pages 15-16.JPG


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