Everything tagged "Hunters Arms Fanling Hunt and Race Club 1920s-30s" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "Hunters Arms Fanling Hunt and Race Club 1920s-30s"

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According to an article found in web (reference below), the Hunters Arms in a rented building called 鄧裕興樓, was at the site of the present-day Fanling Assemblies of God, locoated on Jockey Club Road near the junction with Sha Tau Kok Road. So the road in photo 1 is today's Jockey Club Road - just wonder whether this was the reason for naming the road this way after the war.

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The same area of the railway track; the amoured car blocked the view of the Chinese village houses in the background.

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An early photo of the Sha Tau Kok railway line; note the building complex at the top of the photo.

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Another view of the same building entrance.

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A group of members of the Fanling Hunt and Race Club at the building, which is said to be a village house rented by the Club in the Fanling area. 

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This is a well-known photo of the Hunters Arms; always wonder where exactly it was.

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An elarged view of the village hourses. Looks like the building complex was the Hunters Arms.

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