More detailed information on Frank Summers is given by annpake in the threads on his father Edwin Summers and his mother Celestina Summers. He was killed at Ypres, Belgium in WW1, fighting with the Australian army. He has a memorial in St Michael's Cemetery. His brothers were Alec and Charles Summers and his sister Eva Margaret Forbes.
Celestina Summers was the wife of Edwin Henry Sparks Summers and mother of Charles, Alec and Frank Summers. Her daughter became Mrs. R.F. Forbes. I don't know her maiden name. Celestina was "sponsor" at the baptisms of Leslie and Evelyn Warren, my uncle and aunt. Her father had worked as Assistant at the National Hotel after my great-grandfather John Olson retired. <Read more ...>
One of the oldest and most respected residents of Hongkong, Mr. E.H. Summers, leaves Hongkong with Mrs. Summers for home to-morrrow on the President Monroe after the long period of 46 years in the Colony. <Read more ...>