Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):
This battered photo shows Diana Warren in the middle row far right when she had just qualified to be a nurse at University College Hospital, London, in January 1945. I don't know what Set 84 means but it may be her particular group of newly qualified nurses. UCH seems to have been one of the reception hospitals for ex-POWs and ex-Stanley internees suffering from malnutrition, Beri-beri, TB and the like. Having spent her childhood in Hong Kong, left in 1938 and then lost her father in the war (although not in Hong Kong), Diana was deeply affected by seeing many patients die. <Read more ...>
On the website of the Imperial War Museum, a number of (silent) films can be found. Some of them are on war criminals trials and include other scenes. They seem to be raw materials that have been used for e.g. Movietone Films like this.
One of the films shows the recovering Hong Kong from March 1946 (here). The description on the website is as follows:
M.F. Key, O.B.E. - Secretary to the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce - was an internee in Stanley Prison Camp during WWII. For some time he shared a room with the Vice-Chancellor of the University - (who was giving lectures at the camp on English literature for two years, twice a week).
Mr Key published a small, 12 page, soft-cover booklet/pamphlet initially in Kaplee, Kapunda, Australia, in November 1945. Because of heavy demand, he re-produced the booklet in Hong Kong in June 1946.