"Captain White was one of two officers who for 12 months ran an evasion and intelligence post in western Kwangtung and for most of this time the post was isolated behind the enemy lines. In May 1944 a sudden enemy invasion of the area necessitated a rapid evacuation of the post and the safety of the Chinese staff and all our records on that occasion was solely due to the bravery and cool-headedness of Captain White. With the Chinese officials in a panic and amidst torrential summer rains, Captain White moved the whole party away 20 miles to safety and then immediately set up ov <Read more ...>
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):
This photo taken in the garden of the China Maritime Customs officer's accommodation in Hai Nan Island, in the 1930's. My mother, Peggy and her sister, Patsy are playing with their 'pet' - a gibbon they used to dress up in their dolls' clothes! The little boy, I assume, was the son of one of their household staff? My grandfather was an officer for the CMCS and worked in many ports from Hai Nan Island to Shanghai. <Read more ...>
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):
This is a photo of my Grandfather, George Flynn with his 2 daughters, Peggy and Patsy, in the garden of their China Maritime Customs accommodation on Hainan Island. The photo would have been taken in the mid 1930's. My mother was born in Hong Kong in 1932, but the family were moved about frequently from various ports operated by the CMCS. <Read more ...>
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):
The gentleman in the centre of this photo is George Flynn, my Grandfather, who was a member of the China Maritime Customs. The notes on this photo state that it was taken in "Sum Chun" in 1932 - and that one of the other men was called Reggie Hill? My Grandfather was ex-royal Navy and ended up working for the CMCS in numerous ports from as far south as Hainan to Macau, Hong Kong and Shanghai in the north. <Read more ...>