Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong"

Tsang Tai Uk 1960's

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Mui Wo Police Station 1962.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Marine police station at Mui Wo on the hill overlooking Silvermine Bay (at rear). Living quarters for the Divisional Sub-Inspector in command were on the first floor. Quite basic, but a great view was to be had from the balcony. I lived here with my parents 1962-3.

P P O'Regan DSI Mui Wo Police Station 1962.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Divisional Sub-Inspector Paul O'Regan, OC at Mui Wo 1961-3.

3_View to Hong Kong from QEH 1964.07.04.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

This picture, or rather this 'stitched' view, continues the sequence from https://gwulo.com/atom/37680. Taken from the balcony of my mother''s room at QEH on the birth of my sister, Susan. The distinctive back and white building is now on the left.

4_View Across Wylie Road from QEH 1964.07.04.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Here we have another angle on the view provided at https://gwulo.com/atom/37681. This time, it is possible to see down across Wylie Road below and also what I think to be a lawn bowls green of the Club de Recreio. 

1_Maureen O'Regan at QEH_1964.07.04.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Taken on the balcony of the room where my mother stayed for the birth of my sister Susan. It was at the rear of the hospital on a high floor looking towards the Island.

5_Panorama from QE Hospital 1964.07.04.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

This is the continuation of the photo at https://gwulo.com/atom/37682. Again this is 'stitched' from more than one photograph which my father took from the balcony of my mother's room at the QEH. You can see all the way to Green Island, which is clearly visible beyond the neon Fortuna sign of the Fortuna Hotel on the far right of the photo.

2_View to Lyemun from QEH 1964.07.04.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

I think it was my father who took this picture, and others, from the balcony of my mother's room at QEH on the day that my sister Susan was born (see https://gwulo.com/atom/37679). I'd like to know what the distinctive black and white building is to the right of the photo.

Police Training School, PTS, Passing Out Parade 23.8.69

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Passing Out Parade for Squad P150 on 23.8.1969 in No 1 uniforms, commanded by Chief Inspector P. P. O'Regan (in foreground). The photo was taken the morning immediately after the Mess Night. There was much speculation on who would go down in the August heat. Nobody did.

1969 Jordan Road Ferry Piers

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

From HKMS 2.0

Amazing photograph showing all three Vehicular Ferry Piers with ferries in action. Additionally, a passenger ferry has berthed alongside the oldest vehicular ferry pier.


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