Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong"

Hong Kong. Ap Lei Chau Power Station. 1968

Only one chimney in 1968.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

The Biarritz dredging at Plover Cove

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Fom the Hong Kong Government Year book dated 1965

The image crosses the page gutter, so the page stitching is evident

KCR Railway Workshops

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

See here for more information

August Moon Hotel 1961

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1960 Kai Tak Airport at Night

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Prior to the construction of the Passenger Terminal Building. Circa 1960.

1965 Jordan apt 1

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1960 Approaching HK

Quite rural area before Wah Fu Estate was built and Kellett Bay was reclaimed to build Wah Kwai Estate.

On the left, the waterfall can be spotted.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1967 Queen's road c

This could be the Entertainment Building at the junction of Wyndham Street and Queen's Road C. Despite the absence of a sign, this could be King's Theatre (2nd gen.).

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1968 Lane Crawford bldg

Wishing You A Merry Christmas And A Prosperous New Year.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1967 Tram line

Comment on Flickr: 

The photographer was standing at Johnston Road looking south . On the left is the mouth of Wanchai Road.

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 


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