Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Everything tagged "1960s Hong Kong"

17-19 Kennedy Road. Copyright Lo Family. benbowen.

The Lo Yuk-Tong family house, at 17-19 Kennedy Road, was first built in 1919, and demolished near 1970.

View from Kennedy Road

17-19 Kennedy Road. Copyright Lo Family. benbowen.

The Lo Yuk-Tong family house, at 17-19 Kennedy Road, was first built in 1919, and demolished near 1970.

17-19 Kennedy Road. Copyright Lo Family. benbowen.

The Lo Yuk-Tong family house, at 17-19 Kennedy Road, was first built in 1919, and demolished near 1970.

1967 Chatham Road Camp and Hung Hom Reclamation

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1961 RAF Sek Kong

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Lei Yue Min Barracks Bay View 1960jpg

This was originally two pictures of the view from the barracks where my parents lived in 1960/61, stiched together, to make this lovely photograph.  It was taken by my dad - Stuart McAllister, who served in the RMP between 1960 and 1962 in Hong kong. What a fantastic view it must've been, back in the day, especially on a braw day!

Not sure which gallery this should be added to, if admin would oblige.


RAF losses-Typhoon Wanda.jpg

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

Extract from "History of RAF Kai Tak" by GLD Alderson published by RAF Kai Tak circa 1971

Incident at Lantau Island not High Island

No doubt there will be more in the SCMP from that time

1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 2 of 4

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 

1963 Picnic in the New Territoties 1 of 4

Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos): 


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