Places tagged "Caine Road" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Places tagged "Caine Road"

Name Current condition From To
1920's House at location of St Margrets Girls college Demolished / No longer exists
Cheung Tseung Tse Mansion Demolished / No longer exists 1920
19th Century building South West of Caine/Peel Street Junction Demolished / No longer exists
Unknown building on North Side of Caine Road Demolished / No longer exists
15 Arbuthnot Road Demolished / No longer exists 1960
Elgin Villa Demolished / No longer exists
Police Station Demolished / No longer exists 1843
5 Chancery Lane Demolished / No longer exists 1850 1910
8 Chancery Lane Demolished / No longer exists 1850 1910
Buxley Lodge (1st Generation) Demolished / No longer exists 1850 1875
No 2 Tank Demolished / No longer exists 1860 1913
Buxley Lodge (2nd Generation) Demolished / No longer exists 1876 1930
Catholic Administration Offices Demolished / No longer exists 1927