This one is well hidden. You have to past the very last bunker by the left, then look for it towards the hill side. It is just abo8ut 20 feets away from the fence. It's location is about on the opposite side of the bunker facing Aberdeen Reservoir Road. I suspect these two are linked up back to back, but there is no way to confirm it without breaking into one of them.
When I saw this bunker earlier today I was scolding myself for how the devil could I miss this one in my previous walks in the area..... The one is right besides the information post.
The marker shown above is just an approximate location. The reading on my GPS logger for this location is Lat: 22.258278N Long: 114.168346E If only we could input Longitude/Latitude information there......... This bunker is very close to a Pillbox. There is a concrete slap across the the Lady Clementi's Ride, which I think is for the land line for communication.
The marker above is just an approximate location. My GPS logger reading for this is Lat 22.259720N Long 114.163607E Don't know whether there are tunnels linking this one with the other ones nearby. There is also a concrete water tank at the opposite side of the road. Don't know whether it has anything to do with the bunkers nearby. <Read more ...>
The bunkers are dug into the hillside here. The the marker up there is just an approximate location. My GPS logger reading is Lat: 22.259112N Long: 114.163371E