Photos tagged "Collective Memories" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "Collective Memories"

1909: Western Clinic 西約方便醫所 and Western Dispensary

1915: 歲月神偷 白加道纜車站 Barker Road Station 2008, Hong Kong Now and Then

1916: The Ellis Kadoorie School for Indians 育才書社

1947: Wing On Bank/Life

1950: Prince Edward Road in the 1950s, 1997 and 2010

1997: Central Police Station 1997

2008: Laboyrie - 24 Mount Cameron Road

2014: Diocesan Boys' School 1 Mar 1927- 31 Jan 1928 / Mongkok Police Station / Police Training School

: Numbered Police Stations

: Wah Yan College Kowloon and King's Park 1952-2012

: left: To Tsai Church (1st location) - right; Hop Yat Church

: Mongkok Police Station Hong Kong 旺角警署

: Government Central School Hong Kong 中央書院 / 皇仁書院 / 美國浸信會堂 圖說香港歷史建築

: Wanchai Gov't School

: 28 Kennedy Road 堅尼地道28號 / 皇仁書院 / 金文泰中學 圖說香港歷史建築

: Queen's College 皇仁書院 / 金文泰中學 / 日本人學校 / 堅尼地道小學 / 聖保羅男女中學 圖說香港歷史建築

: Belilio Public School for Girls, Hong Kong

: Remains of Royal Naval Hospital,

: Dormitory of Rural Training College, Grantham Training College and King's Park Meterological Station

: Basel House, 50 Tai Po Road, Shamshuipo, Hong Kong

: Bank of East Asia Generation 1 & 2

: 27 Lugard Road, Peak, Hong Kong 2011 山頂盧吉道27號

: Ellis Kadoorie School for Boys /Science Block Queen's College 育才書院/皇仁書院科學樓 / 庇理羅士女學校 圖說香港歷史建築
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