Photos tagged "high west" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "high west"

1913: highwest-HKMAPS1913-map.jpg

1955: 159-se-11-1955 zoomin.jpeg

2021: Inside the Tunnel Complex

2021: 20210211_142814.jpg

2021: Tunnel Entrances

2021: Looking towards the Eastern Exit

2021: Main Western Entrance

2021: The main entrance

2021: Eastern Entrance

2021: Tunnel entrance

2021: Tunnel entrance

2021: Overgrown tunnel entrance

2021: Tunnel interior

2021: Tunnel entrance

2022: img_2022Mar_WD3Hirst.jpg

: DSCF3305a.JPG

: WDBS#27 highwest

: WDBS28 highwest.jpeg

: WDBS23 highwest.jpeg

: DSCF3306a.JPG

: War department boundary plan - Pinewoord & High WEST

: high west / pinewood WDBS PLAN
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