Photos tagged "Kennedy Town" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos tagged "Kennedy Town"

1905: Elliot & Belcher Battery Guns.jpg

1914: Hong Kong Rope Factory - Advertisement

1930: Junks near Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island, 1930s

1949: Belchers Fort 18 May 1949.jpg

1950: Kennedy Town Gasholder_1950

1963: 科士街牛房 Forbes Street Checkpoint and Abattoir 1963, Hong Kong

1968: Hong Kong Island, 1968 (Kennedy Town Godowns)

1970: Kennedy Town Incinerator

1974: HK HongKong_KennedyTown_1974

1981: Kennedy Town pier collision-3

1981: Kennedy Town pier collision-2

1981: Kennedy Town pier collision-1

1991: Kennedy Town from the air

1995: Once upon a time - Hong Kong - Kennedy Town

2008: Kennedy Town Incinerator's Demolition (1)

2008: Kennedy Town Incinerator's Demolition (2)

2009: Kennedy Town Incinerator's Demolition (3)

2015: Western end of Victoria.jpg

2015: Streams at the wstern end of Victoria.png

2015: Close-up of western boundary of Victoria.jpg

2015: Streams near the western boundary of Victoria.jpg

2015: Western boundary of Victoria.jpg

2015: Possible location of the north-western corner of 'inland lot no. 1299'.png

2015: Northern section of the possible western boundary of Victoria.png

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 3 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Belcher's Bay' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1987 (part 1 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 1 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956 (part 1 of 2)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1987 (part 2 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1961 (part 2 of 3)

2015: Entry about Inland Lot No. 1299 under 'Victoria Road' in the Index of Streets, House Numbers and Lots for 1956 (part 2 of 2)

2015: Location of Inland Lot No. 8682

2015: Plan of Inland Lot No. 1299, Hong Kong

2015: Plan of Inland Lot No. 1891, Hong Kong

2015: A bend on Victoria Road and Sai Ning Street Garden

2015: A bend on Victoria Road

2015: City boundary of Victoria intersects Victoria Road and Sai Ning Street

2015: Victoria's western boundary cuts through Serene Court.png

2015: Lines drawn to deduce the location of Victoria's western boundary

2015: Western boundary of Victoria and previosuly-predicted location of the boundary

2015: 'Shed' which the city boundary of Victoria cuts through on Victoria Road

2015: 3,615·36946ft from Emerald Garden

2015: The University of Hong Kong's St John's College and Victoria's southern boundary

2015: Map of Kennedy Town District, Victoria, Hong Kong

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