Ken Adams | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ken Adams


My mother Freda Adams grave is listed as she died in Hong Kong on January 31, 1947. My name is also engraved on her headstone. My father Leonard A. Adams, a Salvation Army officer (as was my mother) was serving as a Refugee Relief officer for the Hong Kong Government. During the war 1942-44 he had been the British Consular Agent responsible for refugee affairs at Kukong, Kuangtung. He returned to Hong Kong in September 1945. The death of my mother caused my father great grief and he took me back to England in March of 1947. I have never visited Hong Kong again although my son has and he is now listed as the contact for the gravesite. 


Member for
4 years 10 months

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Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending
Forum topic Chinese escaping to mainland China in 1942 theprofessor 19 Fri, 2021-10-08 19:39
Forum topic Leonard A. Adams in China and Hong Kong 1940's Ken Adams 3 Wed, 2020-11-18 23:08
Forum topic New on Gwulo: 2020, week 42 David Sat, 2020-10-17 17:00