Queen's Building, 1950s Fred Evans' photos | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Queen's Building, 1950s Fred Evans' photos

Queen's Building, 1950s Fred Evans' photos
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1958


Queen's Building (now the Mandarin Hotel) facing east with Prince's Building on the extreme left. The road in the middle is Chater Rd with the old Statue Square Gardens in the foreground.

I believe this photo was taken facing WEST, instead of east. For Prince's Building to be on Queen's Building's left (in this photo), facing west is the only way. Also, the pedestrian subway is clearly visible outside, which also supports the "facing west" arguments.

Awesome photos, by the way.

You are correct about the position of the photographer and the direction that he was facing. I meant Queen's Building, itself, facing an easterly aspect. Cheers.