Suzie Wong - Hotel rooftop | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Suzie Wong - Hotel rooftop

Suzie Wong - Hotel rooftop
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1960


Hi there,

The capture above showed a church.  Checking Google Earth I notice the only church in the area showing that angle was (and still is) the Hop Yat Church at Caine & Seymour.  But that make the roof scene (at this this one) way east of Easter Street, below Caine road.

My 2 cents,


Thomas, you've confirmed my suspicions, but I wonder what the high rise behind it was?

Hi there,

The two white building would very likely be the previous version of #80 Robinson Road.  If you look up a street map you'll see what I mean.  At least the angle was right.

In this respect, the other roof scene with the harbour and Kowloon as background was most likely being shot elsewhere.

Best Regards,



actually, see my earlier notes that I wrote on the main article.

I believe this particular part of the scene was done in a studio with the background projected. Still interesting to know where they put the camera.

Hi there,

That was my though as well as the lighting doesn't seem right for the face shot.  Also the other props at the roof looked different in the face shot.  Say, the bamboo fence.

Best Regards,


Took this photo from a building in Po Hing Fong, just below Caine Road for comparison.

Hop Yat Church