Part of a collection of pictures made by Jim Watkins (deceased) of Henley In Arden, England while on military service in Hong Kong probably1947.
Primary tabs

Submitted by christine
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Monday, June 30, 1947
- File2302.jpg shows Place Kai Tak Airfield / Airport [????- ]
- File2302.jpg shows Place Kowloon Hospital [1925- ]
- File2302.jpg shows Place St Teresa's Church [1932- ]
- File2302.jpg shows Place La Salle College (1st generation) [1932-1978]
- File2302.jpg shows Place Central British School / King George V School / KGV School [1936- ]
- File2302.jpg shows Place 102 Waterloo Road [????- ]
- File2302.jpg shows Place Argyle Street Camp for Chinese Interned Soldiers / POW Camp / Barracks [1939-????]
Nice photo
Great shot looking towards the crossing runways at Kai Tak and Customs Pass. Kadoorie Hill, Kowloon Hospital, St. Teresa's Church, La Salle College and Central British School (KGV) can also be seen.
my house - and it is still there today on Waterloo Road
On the bottom right of the photo, there are 5 identical buildings and counting from the right of the photo, my house is the one that is the 5th one from the right and then there is a lane which leads up to Kowloon Hospital by steps.- you can see these steps at the back of my house (my family lived on the first floor) the road going across the photo and the houses are facing us = Waterloo Road
102 Waterloo Road and it is still there today - the last one of the 5 identical buildings.
102 Waterloo Road
Thanks Fernanda. I've made a page for the building at to collect any other photos & memories of it.