1981 - walking from Shek Pik to Fan Lau, Tai Long Wan Village | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1981 - walking from Shek Pik to Fan Lau, Tai Long Wan Village

1981 - walking from Shek Pik to Fan Lau, Tai Long Wan Village
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, February 15, 1981


Is this Tai Long Wan village? It's the only village I can see along this route on the satellite image:


Yes, I agree with you and think it must be Tai Long Wan Vilage.

Thanks, I've made a Place for it.

That was an interesting set of photos about the old mansion in Tai Hang: 

It's a good job you took those photos, as the building is long gone now.

Regards, David