Machine Gun Position, Tytam Harbour | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Machine Gun Position, Tytam Harbour

Machine Gun Position, Tytam Harbour

This pic was taken from the pier infront of the temple in Lan Nai Wan looking across to the twin Machine Gun Positions on the rocky promontory. Have not yet found a route to access them on foot. Hong Kong International School is the white complex in the background across Tai Tam Bay.  

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, January 20, 2018


Hi There,

Found this clip and those hikers had gone past them with a few seconds of footage showing the twin positions at around 30 minutes 30 seconds.  The clip also shows the stone bridge in the Stanley area mentioned in another thread towards the end.


Hi Tom,

The machine gun positions shown in the video are those at on the opposite side of the Bay.