On Christmas Day, it was an R.A.F. tradition that the commissioned officers and senior non commissioned officers should serve the Christmas dinner to the other ranks. Here, Wing Co. Segar is addressing the hungry men, while some of the cooks and his fellow officers look on. The single winged brevet above his medals shows that he had been an Observer on flying duties. The officer bending forward, inspecting or even sampling(?) the food has the rank of Air Commodore. His brevet is that of a pilot and he was probably the senior officer in Hong Kong maybe based at Kai Tak, or even up from Singapore, and making the rounds of the R.A.F. camps as his main Christmas duty. Notice that, as a sign of the informality of the occasion, the officers are not wearing their hats. (Andrew S)
WC Segar Christmas 1959.
Primary tabs

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Friday, December 25, 1959
- WC Segar Christmas 1959. shows Place RAF Little Sai Wan (Siu Sai Wan) [????-????]