Arthur Slater in one of the Nissen huts at R.A.F. Cape Collinson. The technical block was the Unit's first building to be built at Little Sai Wan in 1950 and for a year or two airmen were billeted at the old pre-war Army camp at Cape Collinson. Some lived in the artificaal caves cut into the hillside (they can still be seen on Google Earth) but others were in Nissen huts. The former were damp but cool, the latter were dry but hot. I have heard that on occasions, when a tightening of discipline was deemed necessary, squads fo airmen were marched all the way between the two camps. Anyone knowing the steepnessof the Leaping Dragon Trail (the old camp road) will understand that this was not popular.
Cape Collinson hut
Primary tabs

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1953
- Cape Collinson hut shows Place Cape Collinson Camp [????- ]