51. Junk Building Yards, Junk Bay, Aberdeen.jpg
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Submitted by njkitto
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Thursday, January 1, 1948
- 51. Junk Building Yards, Junk Bay, Aberdeen.jpg shows Place Holy Spirit Seminary, Aberdeen [1931- ]
Re: Aberdeen
Hi There,
It was Aberdeen alright. I was wondering if the bill in the back was Nam Long Shan. If this is the case the photographer may have been on Aplei Chau. The Holy Spirit Seminary is the recognized landmark. But the orientation of the photo is still uncertain . The photo may have been flipped. Unfortunately there is no printed characters for recognition.
Anyone recognize the skyline?
Nam Long Shan
The orientation is correct. Nam Long Shan is in the right background. So Mr Kitto was standing somewhere along Aberdeen Praya looking east towards Shouson Hill (the low conical hill in the background).
Re: Nam Long Shan it is
Hi Phil,
Thanks for hte confirmation. Tha would make Mr Kitto standing along the coast of the then Stanton Creek before the reclaimation, close to the row of houses called Sap Sam Kan (十三間). That was why there were so many boats in the foreground. That was one of the last strongholds of the Tang Ka's (local boat people) before the Government relocated them to nearby newly developed (then) houseing estates.
We cannot take any photos at street level with the same view today as there are too many highrises. I borrowed this screen capture from Google Earth, from a much higher elevation. Some imagination required.