Dover Ranges ad.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Dover Ranges ad.jpg

Dover Ranges ad.jpg

I am certain that our family company, C.E. Warren & Co. never manufactured a cooking range of its own. I have never heard of the "Warren" cooking range. Perhaps there was indeed another company that manufactured one by this name that so conveniently matched our own. These ranges still exist as vintage pieces. The photographs of the real thing look a lot smarter than this illustration.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 17, 1917


A similar advert here in 1920. But what is amusing is the typo error of the title of the ad. Makes me think the person who supervised the arrangement of the ad clearly had no knowledge of English. Don't know how that slipped through.

Source: The Hong Kong Telegraph, page 2, 30th April 1920

Something went very wrong with the manufacture of this block. Having worked for a printer, I'm pretty sure that the copy submitted would have been OK. The advertiser would usually buy a run of a week or a month. It's interesting that this ad appears on a Friday and also the last day of the month. The block would have to be discarded and the advertiser would be entitled to a refund. I'll try to see if this ad appears in the same date sequence, corrected or not.

The text of the ad is fine on 28 and 29 April. The illustration of the range seems to be on a permanent block (here over-inked) but the type for the text must be loose and changeable. On the 30th some of the type in the frame must have fallen out and the compositor replaced the "S" from "RANGES" in the wrong place, not closing the gap in the word "COOKING" either.