Old Hong Kong Photos ... Volume 4 : What's next? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Old Hong Kong Photos ... Volume 4 : What's next?

If you've just finished reading Volume 4, thank you!

Here are some ideas for what to do next:


Review the book

Whether you write a one-liner or a full review, you'll help potential readers know if this book is right for them or not. It'll be great if you can leave a review on Goodreads, or let us know what you thought about the book by posting a comment below.


Report a mistake

Please visit the Errors & Corrections page to let me know if you've spotted anything wrong.


Order more copies

Here are the links to order more copies of Volume 4, or round out your collection with copies of Volume 1Volume 2, and Volume 3.


Dig deeper

Many of the book's photos have their own page here on the Gwulo website, where readers can ask questions and share extra information about each scene. Please visit the list of the book's photos, and click on the photo you're interested in to see more information about it. If you can tell us more, or you'd like to ask a question, please leave a comment there.


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Buy prints of the photos, ready for framing

Prints of these and many other old Hong Kong photos are available to order from the catalogue. (Digital copies are also available to license, so you can use them in your own projects.)


Something else?

If you have any other questions, please let me know in the comments below.

