Old Hong Kong Photos ... Volume 4: Photos and further information | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Old Hong Kong Photos ... Volume 4: Photos and further information

Please click on any photo to visit its page, where you can learn more about the scene, ask questions, and add information. If you'd like to order a printed copy, or license a digital copy to use in your project, please note the ID shown below the photo.



Photo (1): Assorted views

Main photo:

<Album page showing four photos, not yet online>
Photo ID: A309A


Additional photos:

RMS Empress of France getting a fresh coat of paint at the Kowloon Wharves
Photo ID: A309A4


c.1929 Junk in Hong Kong's harbour with Queen's Building in the background
Photo ID: A309O1


<Burial jars, showing skull. Not yet online.>
Photo ID: A309L1


c.1929 Marching band taking part in a funeral procession
Photo ID: A309J1


Sailing junk in a misty harbour
Photo ID: A309U3



Photo (2): Caine Road

Main photo:

1920s Caine Road
Photo ID: A309I2



Photo (3): Blake Garden

Main photo:

c.1928.But where?



Photo (4): Hilltop houses

Main photo:

c.1928 Houses on a hill
Photo ID: A309F3



Photo (5): The Peak

Main photo:

Merry Christmas, 1927-style
Photo ID: A092


Additional photo:

<Woman carying baskets uphill using shoulder pole. Not yet online.>
Photo ID: A562



Photo (6): Central seafront

Main photo:

1890s View along the Praya
Photo ID: A344



Photo (7): Queen's Road

Main photo:

1930s Sheung Wan
Photo ID: A280Q



Photo (8): Wellington Street

Main photo:

1928 View down Wellington Street
Photo ID: A269



Photo (9): Pedder Street

Main photo:

c.1908 Pedder Street
Photo ID: A436



Photo (10): Pedder Street

Main photo:

c.1925 Pedder Street
Photo ID: EE061



Photo (11): Causeway Bay

Main photo:

1960s Street in Causeway Bay
Photo ID: A244A



Photo (12): Above Tai Hang

Main photo:

1950s Farmer above Tai Hang
Photo ID: A225M


Additional photo:

c.1935 Drinking Tea at Happy Valley
Photo ID: EA020



Photo (13): Happy Valley

Main photo:

Racing at Happy Valley
Photo ID: NDA13





Photo (14): Queen's Road

Main photo:

c.1901 - "The Naval Department Buildings, Queen's Road"
Photo ID: NDA11



Photo (15): The Naval Yard

Main photo:

<View northwest over the coffer dam where the new Naval Yard was taking shape. Not yet online.>
Photo ID: NDA04



Photo (16): Queen Victoria's statue

Main photo:

The Queen Victoria Jubilee Monument and the Hongkong Club
Photo ID: NDA07


Additional photos:

Photo ID: NDA03



Photo (17): Kowloon Station

Main photo:

View of Hongkong island from TST
Photo ID: A368



Photo (18): Peninsula Hotel

Main photo:

c.1932 Peninsula Hotel
Photo ID: A280G


Additional photo:

c.1937 View over Wanchai and the harbour towards Kowloon
Photo ID: A574



Photo (19): Telephone House

Main photo:

Photo ID: A293G



Photo (20): Shamrock Hotel

Main photo:

c.1953 Shamrock Hotel
Photo ID: A294J


Additional photo:

1960s Shamrock Hotel
Photo ID: K205



Photo (21): Nathan and Jordan Roads

Main photo:

1950s View north along Nathan Road
Photo ID: NA001




Photo (22): Resettlement block

Main photo:

1950s 7-storey resettlement block
Photo ID: EC004



Photo (23): Prince Hotel

Main photo:

c.1950 Argyle St. & Prince Edward Rd.
Photo ID: A225B



Photo (24): Ma Tau Wai

Main photo:

c.1910 Ma Tau Wai & surroundings
Photo ID: EC001