Shek Lung Kun Beacon (石攏拱墩臺) - Undocumented [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Shek Lung Kun Beacon (石攏拱墩臺) - Undocumented [????- ]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
slk_beacon_8.JPG, by tngan

Hi there,

I am including this as a curiosity.  This thing has every characteristics of other beacons mentioned, but it was undocumented in any municiple or county gazzet.  So It has direct line of sight with Beacon Hill Becon, and clear visibility of our Western Harbour.

It is just beside the Yuen Chuen Ancial Trial, very easy to visit.  But you would have to know where to look in order to locate it.  There are a few mud/rocky paths leading to its vicinity, but directly to its location.   Nature had been reclaiming this site.  The beacon is now covered with grass with a small tree standing in the depression in the middle of it.  But if you are there, you should be able to see it is an artificial structure.  Give it a few more years, this beacon would be obscured by the trees around it from all sides.

Best Regards,


slk_beacon_1.JPG, by tngan


slk_beacon_8.JPG, by tngan

Photos that show this place


Hi tngan,

Perhaps this should be reported to the Antiquities and Monuments Office?

Hi there,

I don't think the AMO is of much use for this based on these points:

1.   They are a bureaucracy and they hav to answer to the interest of the SAR Government first;

2.   Despite they have knowledgeable specialists and acadamic heavy weights in the committee, they would still need proof before they could justify to set aside some funds to start a research;

3.   As this one is undocumented, all proof is circumstantial.  This kind of proof would be pretty vague;

4.   I wonder if any of the faculties of local Univercities had ever done any research on these beaconsl;


Oh well, we might need a History Professor to take the lead for these kind of things......

My 2 cents,


Hi tngan,

I agree that the AMO is somewhat bureaucratic in its approach to matters, but reporting to them would do no harm.  I wonder if archaeologists like William Meacham and the HK Archaeological Society are interested in such "recent" structures.

Prof. Anthony K. K. Siu (蕭國健) had gone through most, if not all, Chinese gazetteers related to the Hong Kong region, and listed out the military structures back in his books in the 1980s and 1990s.  However, he did not venture out into the unknown like you and your friends did.  Experienced hikers like Walter Chu (朱維德) would almost certainly be able to contribute to this.