The inscription says: "Sir Atholl MacGregor. A cheery soul. Picking a fig!!!"
Sir Atholl MacGregor

Submitted by lizchater
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Monday, January 1, 1940
- Sir Atholl MacGregor shows Person Alasdair Duncan Atholl MACGREGOR [1883-1945]
re: Sir Atholl MacGregor
Hi Liz,
Thanks for the photo of Sir Atholl MacGregor.
I've made pages for Mr & Mrs Bagram. Were they linked to the Chater family somehow?
If there is anything from the Stanley Camp time (especially any diary or memoir) in the Bagram family's collection, I'd love to be able add it to the wartime diaries.
Regards, David
Sir Atholl MacGregor
Sir Atholl MacGregor was my Great-Uncle, he was married to my Great-Aunt Lady Gertrude MacGregor. It is very nice to see such an informal photograph of him. Do you know if there are any more photos of him and Auntie Gertrude?
Many thanks.
Lydia Sage
re: Sir Atholl MacGregor
Hi Lydia,
We don't have any other photos here on Gwulo unfortunately. We do have pages for Sir Atholl ( and Lady Gertrude ( There are several mentions of Sir Atholl in various diaries from Stanley Internment Camp:
If you can add any details or photos, or any stories from their time in Hong Kong and Stanley, they will be very welcome.
Regards, David
Sr Atholl Macgregor
Hello - Thank you for your reply. I have a postcard Uncle Atholl wrote to my Father in the 1930's from Shanghai. I will see if I can find it - I imagine he travelled a great deal in his capacity as Chief Justice.
Kind regards.
Lydia Sage
Sir Atholl MacGregor
Sir Atholl travelled to Shanghai in the 1930s and early 1940s to sit on the full court of the British Supreme Court for China which was based in China. I have a photo of him in his wig and one of him and his wife at Government House. I have tried to upload them but have not succeeded yet. I would be very interested to know what the photo said about Shanghai.
Problem uploading MacGregor photo
Hi Doug,
Please see if these instructions can help you upload the photos successfully:
Regards, David
Sir Atholl Macgregor
I have only just seen your comment. I will indeed find the postcard written from Shanghai to my Father and send you the details. Lydia
Lady Gertrude MacGregor
Hello again. I would also love to see the photo of Auntie Gertrude. Hope you have managed to sort out the problems with uploading it. Kind regards. Lydia
Postcard from Shanghai
Hello - I have found the postcard! Only very general comments - Atholl went up to Shanghai on 31st May (1930's) in a small ship and there was a typhoon nearby. He is returning to Hong Kong in the MS Tjitalengkia which is much more comfortable running from Japan down to Sumatra, Bali and Java. He mentions the International Settlement and the British French and Americans were landing naval parties to protect it. He did not think that there would be any excitement whilst he was there. He went into Japanese occupied territory outside Shanghai but states they they did not keep him there. Well, that is it. I hope that it is of interest to you. Kind regards. Lydia
Sir Atholl and Lady Gertrude MacGregor
Here is a photo from April 1937 of Atholl and Lady MacGregor at Government House
Photo at Government House
Wonderful to see this old photo - I have seen very few photos of Atholl and Auntie Gertrude. I wonder if you are able to find any others.
More images of Sir Atholl MacGregor
Hi, I have come across a couple more images of Sir Atholl MacGregor, they are on my website on this link
Sir Atholl MacGregor
Thank you for posting the link to these great snapshots of Auntie Gertrude and Sir Atholl MacGregor... fascinating to see them relaxing before the war.....
Atholl MacGregor in Japan
Here is a picture of Sir Atholl with his wife and Mr (later Sir) Allan Mossop and his wife in Japan. Â Mossop was judge of the British Supreme Court for China based in Shanghai
Atholl and Gertrude MacGregor….
How fascinating to see this photo. They certainly look like they are relaxing and enjoying their holiday. Thank you very much for posting it - a snapshot of the past indeed.
Sir Atholl MacGregor
Hi 'Isage" : Do you happen to know on which ship he was repatriated on in Sept 1945. I thought it was HMHS Oxfordshire which sailed to Manila from HK and them on to Sydney. I understand he died before reaching Suez and was buried at sea you know on which ship. I think Gertrude was on Highland Monarch - I wonder if they were on the same ship? Thanks. Philip