Another one from "foundslides" on flickr. I can't identify the location.
4-7-52- Harbour from ferry- Hong Kong
Primary tabs

Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Tuesday, January 1, 1952
- 4-7-52- Harbour from ferry- Hong Kong shows Place Kellett Island [????- ]
- 4-7-52- Harbour from ferry- Hong Kong shows Place Hong Kong Electric Company's staff quarters, Causeway Hill [c.1926-c.1964]
Above Causeway Bay?
I'd say that's Causeway Bay with Kellett Island to the left.
Holt's Wharf and the Peninsula across the harbour.
That's the background
That's the background identified. Does anyone recognise the building in the foreground?
Regards, David
Could it be on Tai Hang Road?
Looking at other photos it's west of the Tiger Balm Gardens, and the hillside is on the right, so i think it's over the hill. I haven't found a good photo of that area.
Belilios Convalescent Hospital
Hello David,
This rare picture was very likely taken from the southern end of the second or third buildings of the Belilios Convalescent Hospital toward the Victoria Harbour. I just uploded to the Images depository of this website a picture of the Eatern Hospital Road in the 1930's showing the Belilios Convalescent Hospital at the background. This hospital was demolished between 1952 and 1954 to make way for the present Fontana Gardens, the Buddhist Wong Fong Ling Middle School and the Sir Kadoorie Secondary School. Most of the debris from this site were used to reclaim the piece of land forming the current Victoria Park.
With regards,
Tai Wong
Location of the image
Could this one from 1947 help?
If I see it correctly, the three buildings of the hospital are on the hill above the western end of the typhoon shelter. Possibly the white house in could be below these.
re: Belilios Convalescent Hospital
Hi Tai Wong,
That looks like the right location, thank you!.
Something strange is that the building in the photo above doesn't look like the buildings in your 1930s photo. The building in this photo has a flat roof and doesn't seem as long as the 1930s buildings:
If you zoom in on this 1947 photo, the buildings look more like the flat-roof building shown above:
So is it possible that the Belilios Convalescent Hospital site was re-developed in the 1930s, say, before being demolished in the 1950s?
Regards, David
From my untrained eye it
From my untrained eye it seems that the photo was taken from the hill with that round-looking wall, with the three white houses on its northwest down the slope. But on David's 1920s comparison image on it looks like the round wall was just a round path. Were there any refurbishments or new structures built between the dates of both photos?
Those 3 buildings were still there in 1958
There's a picture of a spitfire flying over Causeway Bay in 1958 on the Chigchic site,
So I makes me think that the hospital was demolished earlier, as David said, and 3 new flat-roofed buildings were there until at least 1958.
1958 Hong Kong Report for the year 1957
Hello David,
In the government publication Hong Kong 1958 : A Review of 1957 there was a picture of the farewell ceremony for Sir Alexander and Lady Grantham at the Hong Kong Stadium. On its background the 3 buildings of the Belilios Convalescent Hospital were clearly shown from the west side. The top white building matched the white flat-roof building in the 1947 and 1952 pictures. The 9.2 MB size of this1957 picture stopped me from uploading it to the site.
There is a 1956 RAF oblique aerial photo showing the Causeway Bay including those 3 buildings in the Hong Kong1957 publication. Is there a way I can send these two pictures to you ?
With regards
Tai Wong
Large photos
These will be good to see. If you have easy access to an image editor and can shrink the filesize (either shrink the size of the image or just crop out the section that shows the buildings), please try halving the size and uploading again. Or if you aren't sure how to do that please send me the files and I'll adjust them.
I think the files are too big for my email account, so best to use a service like to send them.
Regards, David
1957 Farewell Sir Alexander ( Tiger Standard Picture )
1956 Victoria Park ( RAF Picture)
1956 Victoria Park and 1957 Farewell For Sir Alexander
Helo David,
I cropped the two pictures and inserted them here. The three buildings were in these two pictures.
With regards,
Tai Wong
The general area where this image was taken seems to be quite clear. However, the building in the center is still not identified. On Flickr I found "From Typhoon Shelter to Victoria Park". I couldn't find the place, but maybe some else does.
Another hint
Again, on Flickr I found this one and uploaded it to Gwulo:
I cropped a detail (and enhanced it a bit):
I think the photo was taken somewhere from the ridge in the center.
A third one
This image in on Flickr in the album Causeway Bay View.
It has almost the same perspective as, but without any buildings in the foreground
Building identified as Hong
Building identified as Hong Kong Electric Company's staff quarters, Causeway Hill [c.1926-c.1964].