Midlevels around Robinson Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Midlevels around Robinson Road

Midlevels around Robinson Road

Cropped from http://gwulo.com/atom/20959. This detail shows Chater Hall (1), the four blocks of Robinson Garden Apartments (2), and Tregunter Block 2 (6).  The old house (5) is at 5-9 Robinson Road.

(added later)  (3) is Luginsland at 18, Old Peak Road, and the white block (4) is Douglas Apartments at 22, Old Peak Road

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, August 24, 1980


According to a 1986 map, this should be 5-9 Robinson Road.

Thank you David. I added the place.

Regards, Klaus

Building (3) is Luginsland, 18 Old Peak Road
Building (4) is Douglas Apartments, 22 Old Peak Road

In your other picture, Tregunter 1 is next to Tregunter 2, in front is Tregunter 3. The long low building in front of that is Pine Court / Kam Yeyn Mansions. The low building in front, to the left is Canossa Hospital. The low white building on the other side of the Robinson Road Fly-over is the Albany.

Thank you. I added the places.
