Sha Tau Kok Police Station [1953- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Sha Tau Kok Police Station [1953- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 
c.1953-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

Photos that show this place



Harmston writes:

Sha Tau Kok Police Station was built in 1953 and is located one kilometre from the border.

I believe that during the 1967 riots, there was an incident on 8th Jul where a large group of Mainland Chinese demonstrators crossed the border at Sha Tau Kok and harassed the police station there, and when the police attempted to disperse the rioters they came under fire from multiple angles, including from a machine gun in Chinese territory. 

Would I be correct to assume that this is the police post that was attacked?

Reading Guy Shirra's investigations into those events, he describes the building that was shot at as "the police post just 100 m or so from the open border on Chung Ying Street (now demolished)". So it was different from the police station described on this page.