7 Norfolk Road Kowloon Tong [c.1926- ]
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Submitted by LizB on Sat, 2016-05-07 13:30
Current condition:
In use
Date Place completed:
c.1926-01-01 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)
This building has a Grade 3 listing by the AMO.
It is believed to have been built between 1923-1930.
Historic Building Appraisal
The Appraisal document can be found here: http://www.aab.gov.hk/historicbuilding/en/1073_Appraisal_En.pdf
Other photos can also be found here: http://www.aab.gov.hk/historicbuilding/photo/1073_Photo.pdf
Description of 7 Norfolk Road
Excerpt from the AAB's Building Appraisal:
“No. 7 Norfolk Road (羅福道) is believed to have been constructed for residential purposes between 1923 and 1930 by the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company Limited (九龍塘及新界建築公司). During the Japanese Occupation (1941-1945), it was owned by Parker Trust Limited (柏亞信託有限公司) with a registered address at the third floor of No. 39 Hankow Road (漢口道) in Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀). No. 7 Norfolk Road is one of the few surviving original houses of the Kowloon Tong Garden Estate which was founded by Mr. Charles Montague Ede (義德) in 1922.
The house is two stories high with rendered and painted walls and a pitched half-hipped gable roof. There is a front entrance porch and arched verandah at ground floor level and a verandah at first floor level which has been enclosed with windows. Most of the original windows have been replaced with modern aluminum windows and security grilles. The architectural style could be described as Colonial Neo-Classical. The house is set in its own garden surrounded by high boundary walls with a scavenging lane or service lane at the rear of the premises. Originally there was a small detached block of servants’ quarters at the rear of the house. Over the years the quarters have been extended and enlarged and attached to the house so that they are no longer detached. There is a central chimney stack on the roof of the house, and another chimney stack at the rear of the premises probably from the servants’ quarters.
Many of the original houses of the Kowloon Tong Garden Estate have been demolished for redevelopment so that No. 7 Norfolk Road is now a rare surviving example. It therefore has considerable built heritage value. The authenticity of the interior is not known and the external appearance has been spoilt by alterations and additions.
The social value of the house is rather limited as it only appears to have been used as a private residence. It has local interest as an example of the original garden estate houses.”
Occupants in 1930s
From 1930 (possibly earlier) until at least 1934, the house was the residence of George A.V. Hall (Architect, Hall & Hall)
sources: Jurors Lists for 1930-1934
Noel Croucher
Peter Hall mentions in "In the Web" that his family lived here (see Liz's comment above) but the house was actually owned by Noel Croucher.