Kowloon street map 1957 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Kowloon street map 1957

Kowloon street map 1957

Another map from the 1950's scrapbook collected whilst I was at the Peak School. This time it is a street map of Kowloon at that time.  Things have changed dramatically since then!

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, January 1, 1957


Alison, how can I get a copy of this map. I recognize the route that I walked from DGS to the Star Ferry on the morning of December 8, 1941, and then crossed over to HK Island.



I could scan my copy for you and send it to your email address - I doubt you could find an original  now - this was in my school scrap book from the fifties!


Thank you so much, Alison. My email address is bobtatz@shaw.ca

All the best.
