1961 TST Streetscene (1) | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1961 TST Streetscene (1)

1961 TST Streetscene (1)

Cropped (top photo) from an image on Flickr

Junction of Austin Road and Nathan Road.

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, January 1, 1961


For your consideration, I suggest the photo be cropped to indicate 2 different places. 

Moddsey, this is a good suggestion. I'll do so.


Thanks. The building on the right corner with the narrow balcony is still standing.

The Chinese words on the right shop sign seem funny, because they look like artistic versions of the words  '公司' (company), but flipped over horizontally.  Yet if you look to the left of the photo to the shop signs down the road, 'Cathay' and '陳記' (Chan's) are cleared aligned correctly.
