The Roxy was almost opposite the Hoover, but much closer to Causeway Bay.
Roxy cinema.
Primary tabs

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- Roxy cinema. shows Place Roxy Theatre / 樂聲戲院 [1949-1974]
- Roxy cinema. shows Place St. Francis Hotel, Causeway Bay [1949-c.1974]
Re: Roxy Theatre
Not clear to see but going on the previous photo that was shown at the Hoover Theatre, the film that is being screened at the Roxy is "Fraulein". The gala premiere was held in the evening on 24 April 1958. The film was subsequently shown daily between 25 April and 7 May. The centre hoarding complements the following film still from "Fraulein".
The "next change" was "Naked Earth", the poster of which can be seen at bottom right.
Thanks Moddsey for your usual
Thanks Moddsey for your usual accuracy.
Often a few free tickets for the gala showings were sent to the military camps. Once, at Little Sain Wan, I was lucky in the draw and got a ticket for ‘Fraulein’ at the Roxy. I cannot recall whether I had expected anything special but it turned out to be just a normal evening at the cinema - and the film was not up to much! Andrew