Possibly taken from Kennedy Road? The Cathedral and the long dormitory hut of the Cheero Club are just visible middle right. (Andrew S)
Over Murray barracks to the West.
Primary tabs

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, January 1, 1956
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place St John's Cathedral [1849- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Murray Barracks [c.1846-1962]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Cheero Club (aka Cheerio Club), Murray Parade Ground [1949-????]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place A. Block / Alexander Block [????- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Central Government Offices - Main Wing [1956- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Rawlinson House / Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry [????- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Peak Tram Lower Terminus (2nd generation) [1936-????]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Helena May Institute [1916- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place B. Block / Birdwood Block [????-????]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place Former French Mission Building, 1 Battery Path [1919- ]
- Over Murray barracks to the West. shows Place HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd generation) [1935-1984]
Bate's Memorial
Bate's Memorial can be seen on the right on church grounds near Garden Road.