1929 King Edward Hotel Fire (Emperer Hotel).jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1929 King Edward Hotel Fire (Emperer Hotel).jpg

1929 King Edward Hotel Fire (Emperer Hotel).jpg

1929 Royal Buildings occupied at the southern half by the King Edward Hotel which stood behind the Alexandra Building. It was gutted by by fire and the building that rose on its site was named Chung Tin Building.



Just a small tweak to the description - after the fire, the newspapers don't mention a demolition then a new building. Instead the roof and the interior were all replaced, but the original exterior walls were kept. So there wasn't a new building rising on the site, more the opening of a heavily refurbished version of the original one.

Here it is during that work, minus roof:

c.1930 Royal Building
c.1930 Royal Building, by Admin


Thanks for the new photo - the first on the site that shows the fire!