GDL direction slab, Shatin Catchwater area [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

GDL direction slab, Shatin Catchwater area [????- ]

Current condition: 

Year completed is: Accurate
Condition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visible
Date of last visit:
Ref: ROB-01053

Text on slab:

KP Coy HQ KH L 64 68 PB 302
PB 218 L 63
PB 214 215 217 L 56 to 58 61 Coy HQ SP GP CP OP


Only this stone is found, tried searching on the slope following the arrow ... The forest wasn't dense there, seemed to have works done not too long ago. 

P_20200414_MarkerStone_PB218.jpg, by H.Lo

There was a path leading from alongside the marker in the direction of the PB, which was slightly downhill and behind from where the photo was taken. At the time the area of the PB - and surrounds - was heavily overgrown, and a landslip had covered most of the PB remains.

Oh, it's not covered with overgrown anymore, but is a newly reconstructed slope, the part below this marker stone is covered with cement and is bulging out, the rest of the slope is covered with slippery ground in a wood, as shown in my photo for the PB218 page.