Lyemun Beacon [1902- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Lyemun Beacon [1902- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

The Lyemun Beacon is situated on a submerged rock off Yau Tong, near Lei Yue Mun. (This is NOT the pair of beacons, 88 and 89, on the opposite sides of the Lei Yue Mun Pass)

The Lyemun Beacon was first installed in 01.01.1902 as a lit marker with a red globe topmark. Soon it ceased to be lit at around 1913. In 1951 it was repainted black and white chequered and lost its topmark and in 1955 it was reconstructed. (Stephen Davies)

A modern lighted beacon is now installed on the rock and dates to the 1980's or earlier. It is a white post light on a concrete base with a radar reflector and exhibits a red flash. The number 5 of the beacon might have something to do with its long history, though I cannot be certain.

Historical photos or more information on this beacon would be much appreciated.

Photos that show this place



Thanks for the information about these beacons. It'll be good to show them on a map, but the tag Beacon is already used for the ancient warning beacons that were built on hilltops (see:

So we should a different tag for beacons like this one, so they show up on their own map. Would navigation beacon work as the new tag name?

Regards, David

Sure thing, I'll use the tag Navigational beacons

Great, thanks - now they have their own map:

There are articles of other beacons/lighthouses on this site, such as the Gap Rock, Cust Rock and Cape Collinson lights. Would be nice to tag them as well so that they'll show on the map.



I've tagged the ones I can think of. If you find any more, just leave a comment on their page and I'll add the tag.

A close-up photo here.