Fung Leung Kee Watches, Johnston Road, Wanchai [c.1943-2020] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Fung Leung Kee Watches, Johnston Road, Wanchai [c.1943-2020]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
c.1943-12-31 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)
Date Place demolished: 
c.2020-08-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

According to the company's website, they were established since 1943.  I believe the house itself might be a bit older than that but let's stick to 1943 as for the time being.

Photos that show this place


Hi There,

Fung Leung Kee vacated the shop just about a year ago and moved to Tai Yau Centre next door.  The 3 mobile carrier had also moved.  These two are waiting for redevelopment I think.

DSCF0593.JPG, by tngan


I was here today and can confirm this is another one being demolished. Booooo!

Johnston Road shophouse
Johnston Road shophouse, by Philk

Hi There,

Walked by yesterday and found it already gone (including all the rubbble).