Named after: Possibly meaning "water spring" which refers to a creek beside Hopewell Centre in Queen's Road East.
Spring Garden Lane is a short street in Wanchai between Johnston Road and Kennedy Road, it is only 370 m long. It runs southwards from Johnston Road, after about 70 m it turns to southwest. The road which runs straight ahead is Sam Pan (Sampan) Street. <Read more ...>
Probably the Junction of Fenwick Street and Hennessy Road.
Sun Hing Tailor at 38 Hennessy Road, and SHUN HING CYCLE CO., LTD. (“Triumph”) 25 Johnston Road (see here) Likely the cycle strore was at the junction of Fenwick Street and Johnston Road (the latter should be visible in the back).
"HK public vehicle owners' association" was the predessor of the HONG KONG TAXI OWNERS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED 香港的士商會有限公司 <Read more ...>
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):
At the waterfront on the extreme right side appears Hua Nan [Motors]. According to industrialhistoryhk, Hua Nan Motors were founded in 1947, so the photo is definitely post-war. Very prominent on the waterfront is Luk Kwok Hotel.
For Kennedy Road Houses see this enlargement, for buildings around Southorn Playground here.. <Read more ...>
Date picture taken (to nearest decade for older photos):