1 broadwood road 1922 [????-????]
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Submitted by simtang on Thu, 2022-05-19 12:00
Current condition:
Demolished / No longer exists
location of lingnan primary school in 1922
location of lingnan primary school in 1922
Broadwood Terrace
I have just visited the following website (which is in Chinese):
There is a passage mentioning that the primary section (of the Hong Kong Lingnan Branch) was established in 1922. However, the exact location was not mentioned.
Google Translation (with my additional note in brackets)
The school is a secondary school affiliated to Lingnan Educational Institution, and adheres to the fine tradition of Guangzhou Lingnan Primary and Secondary Schools. Hong Kong Lingnan Branch established the Primary School in 1922, moved to the campus at No. 15 Stubbs Road in 1928, and added the Junior Middle School in 1946, marking the beginning of the establishment of Lingnan Middle School. Afterwards, Lingnan Secondary School moved out of the former site of Stubbs Road in August 1999 and moved to the current site in Heng Fa Chuen (which is located in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island).
According to the heading of the above photograph, the exact location was more precise. Not only was it on Broadwood Road (布律活道 and has been renamed to 樂活道 in Chinese), it was actually on Broadwood Terrace (布律活台). Now, the question is where exactly was Broadwood Terrace. There is a page on Gwulo.com (https://gwulo.com/node/23535) showing its location on Google Map. That is No. 1 Broadwood Road, but I am looking forward to more evidence to support this.
(Read More: https://gwulo.com/comment/61106#comment-61106)
Lingnan middle school has this web site which contains a more detailed history.
It says:
1922 年,廣州嶺南大學鍾榮光校長聯合留港同學及本港紳商組織校董會並著手籌募及負責一切開辦香港分校事宜。後購得跑馬地布律活道第一號房屋及租賃第二號房屋為校址。香港嶺南分校原為小學,最初名叫廣州嶺南分校。1922年2月16日正式開課,第一任校長為司徒衛先生。第一學期開始時,僅有學生六十六人,教職員九人。
It states clearly it was 跑馬地布律活道第一號 (happy valley 1 broadwood road). 布律活道 now called 樂活道.
How it looks nowadays
road sign magnified view
Location of Broadwood Terrace
I have uploaded a couple of photos from a map that I hope will be helpful.
1922 broadwood map
A 1922 map around the Broadwood terrace
A big change in landscape
Thank you "simtang" and "jill" so much for your valuable information.
Looking at the black & white photo taken in 1922, there was a large field/playground in front of the building. However, if we look at the current photo, the site of No. 1 Broadwood Road is rather small and lying in front of it is a an alley with no name.
The apartment circled in yellow was where I used to live when I was a child and teenager. I oversaw Broadwood Terrace every day from my window.
I have recently noticed that Race Course Mansion (銀禧大廈) ,completed in January 1959, was situate at No. 1A Wong Nai Chung Road. I suspect No. 1A was previously part of No. 1 and sometime between 1928 and early 1950s, there was a big change on the landscape dividing No. 1 Broadwood Road into two parts.
I am looking forward to further information about this possible change of landscape.
I assume the front of the campus in the black and white picture was the Broadwood road which goes downhill to the race course. Not the alley. According to maps in the 1920s, number 1 is position of that road sign on the red wall on the left of the gate on google map. Number 2 is on the left near Ventris road. Number 1A Broadwood road is on the right hand side close to wong nai chung road. By the way, if one looks at the maps submitted by Jill, the long side of the campus building (rectangular shape) is along Broadwood road. The main entrance should be on Broadwood road too. In other words the alley is on the right and out of the black and white picture. The picture is just showing number 1 and 2 and other buildings.