Photos of Aberdeen Battery, Ap Lei Chau [1939- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Aberdeen Battery, Ap Lei Chau [1939- ]

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2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Side Wall

2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Panoramic View

2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Protective Wall

2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Stone Pillar

2021: Gun Emplacement Rear Wall

2021: Trench and Splinter-proof Shelters

2021: Splinter-proof Shelters (South Horizons)

2021: 22nd Royal Engineers F Company Mark

2021: Aberdeen Battery Stairs

2021: Concrete Pit

2021: Shelter Trench Entrance

2021: Aberdeen Battery Gun Emplacement

2021: Outer Trench and Walkway

2021: Trench and Blast Wall

2021: Aberdeen Battery Lower Platform Panorama

: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins