Ronald Nairn RENNIE [1916-1988] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ronald Nairn RENNIE [1916-1988]

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Ronald Nairn
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Birthplace (town, state): 
Woodbridge, Suffolk
Birthplace (country): 
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c.1988-12-31 (Month, Day are approximate)


Ronald Rennie was Lance-Sergeant 168 in the HKP and at the time of the Japanese invasion was attached to the Water Police.

There  is a record of Ronald N Rennie born  1916 Woodbridge Suffolk UK  son of John Rennie and Alice S Cheek who married 1912 Woodbridge Suffolk

In the merchant seaman records is Ronald Nairn Rennie R 103919 born 30 March 1916 in Woodbridge Suffolk 

1938 R N Rennie Crown Agent travelled from Southampton to Hong Kong on the Rajputana

2 April 1945 Marriage (Barbara Anslow's diary)

9 November 1945 Ronald Nairn Rennie age 29 police officer and Anne (sic) Rennie his wife age 22 arrived in Southampton on the Strathmore from Hong Kong. Address in UK c/o Crown Agents

4 March 1947 Ronald Nairn Rennie age 30 official and wife Anne (sic) Rennie 23 left Southampton for Hong Kong on the Strathmore. Address in UK 75 Wellington Road New Brighton

She is Anne not Annie in both passenger lists

1977 Australian Electoral Records  2/73 Lambton Parade, Swansea, Shortland, New South Wales

Ronald Nairn Rennie, Sheila Rennie, Andrew Scott Rennie, Peter Nairn Rennie

Sandgate Cemetery, Newcastle City, New South Wales, Australia

Ronald Neirn (sic) Rennie burial 1988. Other Rennie burials in the same cemetery including Sheila Halliday Rennie in 2002 but not Anne Rennie.